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- === Zangband Monsters ===
- There are hundreds of different creatures in Zangband each of which
- poses a unique challenge to the adventurer. As you progress deeper into
- the dungeon, the creatures will become progressively more difficult to
- defeat.
- ***** <MonsterSymbols>
- === Monster Symbols ===
- Many monsters have the same letter symbol and sometimes color on the
- screen. The exact species or type of creature can be discovered by
- 'l'ooking at it (see commdesc.txt#Looking [1]).
- a Giant Ant A Angelic being
- b Giant Bat B Bird
- c Giant Centipede C Canine
- d Dragon D Ancient Dragon
- e Floating Eye E Elemental
- f Feline F Dragon Fly
- g Golem G Ghost
- h Humanoids H Hybrid
- i Icky-Thing I Insect
- j Jelly J Snake
- k Kobold K Killer Beetle
- l Aquatic monster L Lich
- m Mold M Multi-Headed Hydra
- n Naga N (unused)
- o Orc O Ogre
- p Human P Giant Human(oid)
- q Quadruped Q Quylthulg
- r Rodent R Reptile/Amphibian
- s Skeleton S Spider/Scorpion/Tick
- t Townsperson T Troll
- u Minor demon U Major demon
- v Vortex V Vampire
- w Worm or Worm Mass W Wight/Wraith
- x (unused) X Xorn/Xaren
- y Yeek Y Yeti
- z Zombie/Mummy Z Zephyr Hound
- $ Creeping Coins , Mushroom Patch
- % Ent, Huorn # Fumes
- Note that some monsters disguise themselves by assuming the shape (ie.
- symbol) of common objects found in the dungeon. These include the
- |, ), ?, !, &, $ and * symbols.
- ***** <MonsterColors>
- === Monster Colors ===
- You can often determine some information about a monster based solely
- on the color it is described as having, like 'a White Dragon'. In
- general, 'White' monsters are cold-based, 'Red' are fire-based, 'Blue'
- are electrical, 'Black' are acidic, and 'Green' are poisonous and a
- 'Multi-Hued' monster is all of these. By being cold-based, we mean that
- the monster has either melee, magical or breath attacks that are cold
- based.
- Unfortunately this rule is applied somewhat inconsistently and there
- are several notable exceptions so don't be surprised. If that 'Green'
- monster spits acid at you. Note that this rule cannot be applied to the
- actual color a creature is displayed as but only to a color in its
- name.
- Other color and attack-type relationships are 'Bronze' and confusion
- and 'Gold' and sound. Over time the inconsistencies referred to above
- will probably get cleaned up.
- ***** <MonsterMemory>
- === Monster Memories ===
- Because there are so many monsters and because often different monsters
- share similar colors and symbols, it is very difficult to keep track of
- the capabilities of various creatures. Luckily, Zangband automatically
- keeps track of your experiences with a particular creature.
- This feature is called the monster memory. Your monster memory recalls
- the particular attacks of each creature (whether or not technically a
- monster) which you have suffered, as well as recalling if you have
- observed them to multiply or move erratically, or drop treasure, etc.
- Similary if you attack a creature with a magical attack and it resists,
- that fact is noted.
- If you have killed enough of a particular creature, or suffered enough
- attacks, recalling the monster memory may also provide you with
- information not otherwise available, such as a armor class or hit dice.
- These are not explained, but may be useful to give the relative danger
- of each creature.
- Your monster memory may be accessed by pressing '/' and then entering
- the symbol you wish to research. Each monster with that symbol of which
- you have some knowledge will displayed in turn beginning with the
- deepest. Alternatively, you may enter targetting mode by pressing '*'
- and, with the curser over the creature in question, press 'r' to
- recall details.
- The best feature about your monster memory is that it can be passed on
- to a new character even after you die by means of a reduced save file.
- Simply use your old savefile as the base for creating your new
- character.
- ***** <Uniques>
- === Unique Monsters ===
- The monsters in Zangband are unique in that each variety of monster
- has its own set of physical and, where applicable, magical abilities.
- However, some monsters in Zangband are truly unique and this group
- of monsters are often referred to as "Uniques".
- The Unique monsters are made unique for several reasons. Primarily,
- their name derives from the fact that unlike regular monsters which
- can appear numerous times during the course of a game, the Unique
- monsters will never be regenerated once they have been killed and
- the game will never generate two copies of the same Unique monster
- at a time so that effectively there is only one of each Unique
- monster.
- Unique monsters are typically based on a normal monster. For example,
- Tom the Stone Troll is based on the Stone Troll monster. However,
- Unique monsters usually have more hitpoints, hit harder and cast
- spells more effectively than the monster on which they are based.
- Unique monsters are often a different color from other monsters of
- their type to allow the player to more easily distinguish them but
- this is not always true.
- --- Uniques' Resistance to Magic ---
- Unique monsters tend to be more resistant to magic than the other
- dungeon inhabitants. Thus, slowing, confusing, sleeping and scaring
- will be less effective and may not work at all. In addition, Genocide
- and Mass-Genocide spells will never work on Uniques and *Destruction*
- will teleoprt them from a level but will not kill them.
- --- Keeping Track of Uniques ---
- Since Unique monsters are often very difficult to defeat, most
- players will attempt to kill them all before attempting to battle
- the Serpent of Chaos (itself a Unique monster). This avoids the
- need to battle two very difficult oponents at the same time.
- Each time your character happens upon a new Unique, this is
- recorded in your monster memory. Under the knowledge command ('~')
- is a menu item which allows you to look at which Uniques you have
- met and which of these have been defeated. It is a good idea to
- check this periodically to gauge your progress.
- --- Speaking Uniques ---
- Occasionally, you will find that a Unique monster will speak to you
- as it approaches. Typically, a monster will shout obscenities and
- challenges to combat but they may also refer to events relating to
- themselves. Zangband has no mechanism to allow you to respond to the
- monsters (other than with violence). You may prevent Unique monsters
- from speaking by changing the approopriate option under the options
- menus.
- --- Rewards for Killing Uniques ---
- You may also find that occasionally after killing a Unique monster
- that the game will tell you that the Unique was wanted for certain
- crimes and you will be rewarded for killing it. The amount of the
- reward is dependent upon how deep in the dungeon the relevant Unique
- is normally found.
- ***** <EldritchHorror>
- === Eldritch Horrors ===
- Some of the monsters in the dungeons of Zangband are so fearsome to
- look upon that doing so can have serious repurcussions. When you meet
- one of these sanity blasting monsters, one of several nasty things
- may happen to you. These include having your intelligence and/or your
- wisdom temporarily reduced, becoming scared or confused, or suffering
- an attack of amnesia.
- ***** <Pets>
- === Pets ===
- A pet can be a mixed blessing. At first sight, one might think that
- they can make the game much easier. It is of course highly satisfying
- to send your pet Hell Wyrm into a Troll pit and wait outside listening
- for the howls of agony and terror, the sounds of guts splattering,
- bones crunching and so on. But one should not expect to gain any
- experience for such a combat: you will only gain experience for
- creatures to whom you deliver the death blow yourself.
- Secondly, your pets are often so eager to destroy your opponents that
- they may forget all about you, and you get trampled under their feet
- as they charge at your foe. Pets are also rather easily irritable and
- once you do something which causes the slightest discomfort to them,
- they will revert to their normal behavior and consider you their main
- target. This is something to think about before lighting up a room if
- you have pet orcs. Needless to say, nobody wants to be your friend if
- you are aggravating them.
- Finally, it takes a lot of mental energy to maintain the control over
- the charmed monsters. The first monster or the first few are 'free',
- but after that maintaining the control will start taxing your mana
- regain rate. The higher the sum of the levels of your pets the less
- mana you will be able to regain. Keep this in mind if you have a pet
- which can summon or otherwise produce more pets...
- --- Obtaining a pet ---
- You may obtain pets in several different ways. Some magic realms offer
- the ability to summon pets magically or to charm the creatures you
- meet. Mindcrafters may 'dominate' their oponents. Chaos patrons may
- grant pets as a gift to their devotees. Magical figurines can be thrown
- to create a pet and wands of charm monster may be used as their name
- suggests.
- --- Commanding Your Pets ---
- Your pets are fairly well trained and will respond to a variety of
- commands such as following you closely, staying nearby and searching
- out your enemies. You can command your pets using the pet command menu
- which can be found be pressing 'p'.
- ***** <Friendly>
- === Friendly Monsters ===
- You will occasionally find a monster in the dungeon that isn't out to
- get you. Such monsters are described in game messages as being
- 'friendly'. A friendly monster will not attempt to hurt you but neither
- will it necessarily attack your enemies.
- Like pets, if you annoy a friendly monster it will turn against you.
- Also like pets, any monsters a friendly monster summons will also be
- friendly. Unlike pets, friendly monsters require no mana upkeep and can
- not be commanded using the pet commands.
- --
- Original : (??)
- Updated : (??)
- Updated : Zangband DevTeam
- Last update: May 25, 2001
- ***** Begin Hyperlinks
- ***** [1] commdesc.txt#Looking